About Us

Introduction of Viable Multispeciality Hospital

Viable Multispeciality Hospital is driven by a single thrust, to provide the best standards of patient care. It is this passion that has lead to the development of unique centers of excellence across medical disciplines. We have always maintained Medical leadership, reputation for quality, ethical medical practice and compassion for our patients as a primary goal. As health professional, our primary aim is to help you maintain and preserve your health.

Core Values

​​Corporate Values

As a health care organisation, our shared values guide our strategies, define our cultures and govern our decision-making. They are basis for all of our relationships.


Our actions and decisions must reflect a balance of our core values. We communicate openly, build trust and work with the highest ethical standards.


We treat people we serve and people with whom we work with respect and dignity. We maintain high level of confidentiality, privacy and trust in our culture.


We believe in “patients centered practice” as we seek to exceed the expectations of the people we serve with outstanding service delivery and clinical care.


We empower our employees to achieve their full potential, value our work and celebrate our accomplishments.


System efficiency and effectiveness is built on the collective performance and cultural diversity of our employees, working with effective communication and mutual respect to achieve the hospital’s goals.


Care delivery according to the highest international standards supported by continuous improvement.


We believe that Health Care Excellence begins with providing a safe environment.

Our Vision

Viable Multispeciality Hospital should be recognised as the community leader for compassionate care with distinct centers of Health Care Excellence. To champion the never-ending quest for a healthier world, through our culture of caring and the use of state-of-the-art technology.

Our Mission

Viable Multispeciality Hospital is dedicated to delivering exceptional PATIENT CENTERED health care. Our philosophy is to “make no compromises” when it comes to your health. We care for the people we serve with compassion, skill and innovation; guided by our commitment to excellence and leadership which are the hallmarks of Viable Multispeciality Hospital.

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